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So far MRCgharghur has created 42 blog entries.

Opening of Applications for School Transport in State Schools 2022/3


School Transport in State Schools is organised by the Ministry for Education and Employment. The Ministry provides school transport services to State Schools in Malta and Gozo and currently organises over 660 routes daily, serving approximately 13,000 students. School transport is a free service for all eligible students attending State Schools. Eligibility for State School Transport has been kept as in previous years as per below: Kindergarten and Primary Schools – Students residing one (1) kilometre or more away from the school of their locality of residence are eligible to apply for the school transport service. Middle and Secondary Schools – Students residing one (1) [...]

Opening of Applications for School Transport in State Schools 2022/32022-05-25T08:09:54+02:00

Handwriting: Development and Strategies | Malta Dyslexia Association


The Malta Dyslexia Association is organizing its first 2022 online meeting for parents, educators, students and the general public. The session will be held on Friday, 28th January 2022 at 18:00 hours. The meeting will be facilitated by Ms Maria Mizzi, occupational therapist and will focus on Handwriting: Development and Strategies. It can be accessed through the following link: For more information, please contact MDA on 99498841 or send an email to [email protected].

Handwriting: Development and Strategies | Malta Dyslexia Association2022-01-25T21:43:46+02:00

Read Me a Story | Aqrali Storja


The virtual video library of the ‘Read me a Book/Aqrali Ktieb’ programme of the National Literacy Agency offers recorded Reading for Pleasure sessions for children aged 0 to 11 years. These sessions are produced in English and Maltese by the reading animators of the Agency. The virtual library of the Agency is accessible to all educators and parents. Applicants may borrow daily up to two recorded sessions, one in Maltese and another in English. These clips are provided free of charge and are made available for viewing over a limited time. Parents may choose the clips from the catalogues which [...]

Read Me a Story | Aqrali Storja2022-01-25T21:46:19+02:00

Maths Educational Talks – Links to Recordings


We understand that because of work or other commitments sometimes you do not manage to attend educational talks held during school hours. In view of this, below please find the links to the recorded Maths talks which were held recently. Find below the link to the 3 different sessions: Addition and Subtraction through CPA (Year 1 + 2)-20220114_093528-Meeting Recording.mp4 Addition and Subtraction through CPA (Years 3-6)-20220117_093529-Meeting Recording.mp4 Multiplication and Division through CPA (Years 3 - 6)-20220121_093345-Meeting Recording.mp4

Maths Educational Talks – Links to Recordings2022-01-25T21:55:23+02:00