Call on (+356) 2598 8001/2 at the Marija Reġna College Principal’s office for an appointment. For the appointment, please bring with you:
- Identification (passpsorts/ID Cards) of parents / legal guardians
- Original birth certificate in English. If this certificate is not in English, a legal translation is required.
- Letter from parents / legal guardian indicating request, including telephone numbers.
- The previous school’s last annual results.
- Proof of residence : Document indicating that you actually live in that district, for example : water and electricity bill indicating your name and address in that particular district / copy of lease of premises specifying your name and address in that district, including owner’s telephone number, ID Card number and signature.
- The parent/guardian is to phone the nearest Polyclinic for an appointment for a routine medical checkup.
- If the student hails from a country outside the European Union, a payment every term is to be effected.
- In this case, the parents’ / legal guardian’s working permit and residence permit / freedom of movement document is to be submitted.